Reference document

Medical Command, Control And Communication
Direct access of Medical Advisors to their commanders and other key command staff elements is the prerequisite for effective medical support. Medical personnel must be fully integrated into the staff planning processes and appropriately represented management teams. The medical staff must be adequate in size, equipment, training and experience, with clear and tailored authority to undertake appropriate and timely actions, including medical planning. The Medical Director is responsible for timely medical planning and co-ordination. A dedicated and structured command and control system is the essential foundation of an efficient medical support structure. This system, supported by a reliable and secure communications and information management system must be capable of planning, executing, controlling, supporting and auditing the full spectrum of medical support functions. The medical command system should seamlessly provide all resources required to support treatment, evacuation and flow of information from initial point of injury or sickness through evacuation to definitive treatment and final disposition.
Health Services Processes