Reference document

Establish MedEvac Procedures
The evacuation concept is closely inter-related with the medical footprint and the casualty rate and theatre holding policy. The robustness of the evacuation chain is directly related to and depends on the quantity and capability of the treatment assets that will be required in theatre. This fundamental principle provides the argument for establishing a robust medical evacuation system. An effective medical evacuation system is a command responsibility. In support of the commander, the Force Medical Staff will co-ordinate such activity with the operations and movement staff in theatre. The provision of resources will be co-ordinated by medical planning staff and may comprise assets from a number of sources, including common use theatre assets, nationally owned assets, Host Nation Support and Third Party contracted capabilities. Harmonization of the medical evacuation doctrines and capabilities is the responsibility of MEDEVAC asset contributors. Only properly co-ordinated procedures can assure the smooth transfer of patients within a multinational medical support structure.
Health Services Processes