Reference document

Interactions and Liaison
Strategic Commands interact with other commands, nations and with their various operations and missions. Interaction is on a daily basis and through staff-level communication which is generally conducted via e-mail or telephone. In addition to this, these bodies also interact through command-level visits and battle-rhythm events. Interaction with other commands is mainly conducted through staff talks. The interaction with Alliance HQ is reinforced through both AC and MC visits to The Strategic HQ. The interaction with Strategic Commands is also reinforced through the Bi-SC COS Conferences and COS-COS VTCs. Interaction with Alliance nations is conducted through two means, one of which is the weekly meeting of the National Military Representatives, in which the Strategic HQ Command Group principals seek to participate once a month. The second interaction is through the NMR Operations Update where NMRs are present. In addition, the latter represents a link between SHQ staff and the various areas of operations. Thus, the NMR Operations Update represents the key battle rhythm event to develop issues with (troop-contributing) nations and operational support by these nations. Additionally, there are battle rhythm events that focus on the support to Alliance operations, whereas others are more focused on managing Strategic Commands.
Task Management Processes