Reference document

Joint Targeting Processes
The processes for Joint Targeting describe the activities necessary to achieve the commander’s objectives, identifying the actions necessary to create the desired effects based on means available, selecting and prioritizing targets, and the synchronization of fires with other military capabilities and then assessing their cumulative effectiveness and taking remedial action if necessary. It is both an operational level and component level command function. The Joint Targeting Cycle (JTC) has a logical progression that aids decision-making and provides the JFC with a methodology linking objectives with effects throughout the battlespace. It is flexible enough to be adapted to any military operation desired and across diverse functional areas, such as air interdiction and information operations. This process enables the JFC to most effectively employ allocated resources to achieve the assigned objectives. Joint forces require a common joint targeting process in order to minimize the likelihood of conflicting or duplicative actions during military operations, as well as to mitigate potentially undesirable consequences resulting from the outcome of those operations. Consequently, components must understand the joint targeting process if they are to create the effects necessary to accomplish the JFC’s objectives. The Joint Targeting Process is closely related to, and reliant on, both the Intelligence Cycle and the JIPOE Process.
Function-specific Operations