FMN Spiral 3.0 Tactical Message Distribution Profile
The Air Information Exchange Profile provides standards and guidance to support the exchange of Recognized Air Picture (RAP) information within a coalition network or a federation of networks.

Reference document

FMN Spiral 3 Standards Profile



Obligation: MANDATORY, Lifecycle: CURRENT

The Standard for Joint Range Extension Application Protocol (JREAP) - ATDLP-5.18 Edition B enables TDL data to be transmitted over digital media and networks not originally designed for tactical data exchange. JREAP consists of three different protocols A, B and C. For implementation in FMN only JREAP, Appendix C 'Encapsulation over Internet Protocol (IP)' which enables TDL data to be transmitted over an IP network must be used. As per the common time reference within JREAP, UTC must be supported as the common time reference. If no common time reference is available, round-trip shall be used.

Obligation: MANDATORY, Lifecycle: CURRENT

The "Minimum Link-16 Message Profile", as described in the FMN Spiral 3 Service Interface Profile for RAP Data, defines the minimum set of data elements that are required to be available for operational or technical reasons so that correctly formatted technical message can be generated to establish a Recognized Air Picture in a federated environment. The implementation of the following message types of STANAG 5516 is MANDATORY Precise Participant Location and Identification (PPLI) Messages J2.0 Indirect Interface Unit PPLIJ2.2 Air PPLIJ2.3 Surface (Maritime) PPLIJ2.4 Subsurface (Maritime) PPLIJ2.5 Land (Ground) Point PPLIJ2.6 Land (Ground) Track PPLI Surveillance Messages J3.0 Reference PointJ3.1 Emergency PointJ3.2 Air Track messageJ3.3 Surface (Maritime) TrackJ3.4 Subsurface (Maritime) TrackJ3.5 Land (Ground) Point/TrackJ3.7 Electronic Warfare Product Information To maximize the ability to share tactical data in support of Situational Awareness, the following message types must also be supported J7 Information ManagementJ8 Information ManagementJ9 Weapons Coordination and ManagementJ10 Weapons Coordination and ManagementJ12 ControlJ13 Platform and System StatusJ15 Threat WarningJ17 Miscellaneous


With regards to JREAP JREAP is designed to support operations using Link 16 over most communication media (JRE media) including forwarding TDL data over SATCOM links (JREAP-A), Serial links (JREAP-B), and over IP networks (JREAP-C). Each JRE medium has unique characteristics. It supports UDP Unicast, UDP multicast, and TCP. For implementation in FMN only JREAP, Appendix C Encapsulation over Internet Protocol (IP) is to be used.




Flag Date RFC Version
added 2018-11-16 11-57 12


This profile is used by the following profiles: