- Title
- Description
- NINE ISPEC - NETWORKING AND INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE (NII) INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) NETWORK ENCRYPTOR – INTEROPERABILITY SPECIFICATION, will serve as a basis and allows manufacturers from different nations to develop and produce interoperable IPsec devices to be used in federated IP network environments such as the Federated Mission Networking (FMN).
AComP-4787 Ed1 contains several sections out of which following form basis for interoperability in the context of FMN SP5
Core Specification
Threshold requirements considered Minimum Interoperability Requirements.
Gateway Extension
Understand that NINE devices for FMN are gateway devices.
Generic Discovery Client Extension
The initiation of the discovery process is required when a packet transmitted to a SA endpoint is marked as unreachable; this is foreseen in NINE Core as part of the “Peer NINE Reachability Detection”. The support of this feature is essential for devices since it ensures the reachability of the NINE endpoints.
Reachability Extension
NINE “Reachability” Extension defines the required mechanism to discover, maintain and advertise subnets of networks which are available at the PlainText interface (including through SAs) using routing protocols (like RIPv2 and RIPng).
Traffic Protection - Suite B Cryptography Core