The purpose of this ACP is to establish a secure and non-secure videoteleconferencing (VTC) capability. This capability enables the exchange of military information among the participating nations to enhance military readiness, capability and interoperability. The Multinational Videoconferencing Services described herein are available to the military communities of each participating nation. These services can be either secure or non-secure, point-to-point or multi-point.
- A nation?s Videoconferencing Network is composed of a number of secure and non-secure videoconferencing facilities and/or one or more bridging sites.
- ISDN and PSTN are used to conduct point-to-point and multi-point conferences for both secure and non-secure videoconference users. Using commercial standards, the bridging site provides videoconferencing users with a wide variety of multi-point services.
- A secure site uses encryption equipment to encrypt information for a classified conference.
Responsible Party
- 5bb010e2-2e30-4526-9445-9c069105263e