Reference document

Scientific Research
Maintaining advantages depends upon leveraging advanced knowledge and emerging disruptive technologies, which present both opportunities and threats to the organisation. In the business domain, disruptive innovations create a new market and value network which eventually disrupts the existing market and value network, thus displacing established market leading firms, products, and alliances. For the military, disruptive technologies transform defence capabilities and methods, shifting the force balance and unhinging opponent capabilities. These emerging and disruptive technologies are heavily driven by commercial investments and interests, and clearly must be leveraged to meet military capability requirements and minimize vulnerability to potential threats. A viable S&T strategy sets the direction for an organisations scientific research to reap the benefits of global S&T by accelerating capability development; providing timely and targeted scientific advice to the affiliates and organisation leadership; and building a thriving and diverse S&T community. Achieving these goals requires strengthening the organisation S&T network, including increasing participation of non-traditional players from Industry and academia. It also involves focusing the organisation’s S&T programmes of work on critical affiliate capabilities; actively pursuing disruptive and emerging S&T; connecting, converging and consolidating high-impact projects; producing more prototypes; promoting demonstrations; and utilizing the novel and time-relevant S&T results toward affiliate and alliance capabilities and decision-making.
Research and Innovation Processes