Reference document

Directory Services
The Directory Services serve as a broker between its users that provide authoritative information (publishers) and those that consume that information (subscribers). Publishers can store their authoritative information in a Directory Service-specific directory/data repository to satisfy queries from subscribers. The information can either be retrieved by the service meta-tools and stored in the directory/data repository or stored directly into that directory/data repository by the publisher. Subscribers will be able to access the Directory Services information over a variety of different interfaces including file-based, remote procedure call (RPC) and service oriented architecture (SOA) interfaces. As well as directly accessing the information according to the schema, the Directory Services will be able to map the information to alternative schemas that are already in use by existing directories/data repositories.
Database Services


BSP Mandatory Standards

The following mandatory standards are recommended for this taxonomy node:

BSP Candidate Standards

The following candidate standards are recommended for this taxonomy node:

Service Profiles

The following CIO serviceprofiles references this taxonomy node. For each serviceprofile, we list the standards which will be used to implement the functionality described in the taxonomy node: