Reference document

Guide Defence and Force Planning
In developing Defnece and Force Planning Guidance, an appropriate review body will reflect the contemporary security environment and the political, military, economic, legal, civil, environmental, scientific and technological factors that could impact on the development and delivery of required capabilities. The initial draft will also take into account the organisation’s assessed long-term ‘direction of travel’; inputs from the organisation leadership, other organisation staff entities and the planning domains; appropriate intelligence and threat analyses; as well as relevant lessons learned from operations, exercises and other activities. The substance of the draft Guidance, in particular the formulation of the organisation’s Level of Ambition for planning purposes, is solely the prerogative of affiliates. The organisation’s Level of Ambition should be expressed in a way that will support the determination of the quantitative and qualitative pool of forces and capabilities needed to meet it. The draft of the Guidance will be developed and agreed by affiliates and then submitted to the organisations coordinating council for endorsement and subsequent approval by affiliate leadership.
Policy Development Processes