The NATO Vector Graphics (NVG) Data Format was created to ease the encoding and sharing of battle-space information between command and control systems with particular emphasis placed on military symbology. The data format is utilized in multiple NATO and National systems. Over the years a protocol evolved to support the discovery and acquisition of NVG data. The NATO Vector Graphics (NVG) Protocol is the formal specification of this protocol produced as part of the TIDE Transformational Baseline v3.1.
The version 2.0.2 baseline combines NVG Protocol v2.0 with the NVG Data v2.0.2. Therefore, v2.0.2 is technically identical to 2.0rev2a and is simply a documentation baseline produced to clarify uncertainty in the baseline numbering. V2.0.2 and 2.0rev2 are both dated 22 May 2015.
The NVG service definition can be found at https //
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