Reference document

IPv4 Routed Access Services
The IPv4 Routed Access Services provide the delivery or exchange of IP version 4 packets, subject to dynamic, destination- or policy-based routing, based on different routing protocols. The user’s IP v4 address range is assigned by the provider of the Access Service, and it is provided to the Host via a DHCP service. Each routing protocol is associated to a service type (i.e. an implementation option for the provider). Examples of IPv4 Routed Access Services implementation options are Static routing, Link-state Unicast routing (e.g. RIP, EIGRP), Distance-vector Unicast routing (OSPF), Path-vector Unicast routing (BGP), Policy-based Unicast routing (PBR), Multicast routing, and Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANET, e.g. OLSR-based).
Packet-based Access Services


BSP Candidate Standards

The following candidate standards are recommended for this taxonomy node:

Service Profiles

The following CIO serviceprofiles references this taxonomy node. For each serviceprofile, we list the standards which will be used to implement the functionality described in the taxonomy node: